AtoZ Challenge – O

 We’re on the downhill slide now! Thanks to everyone who’s visited the blog so far and I hope you continue til the end.

A2Z Ois for organic. From Merriam-Webster: adj. (1517) of, relating to, or arising in a bodily organ.

Not quite what I’d initially intended when I decided on organic as my word, but it serves my purpose.

Ever read a book and it just felt like the characters were doing something that wasn’t right? Whether or not it’s a relationship, sex, or a job, it doesn’t feel right. I’ve read, and heard readers talk about, books where the characters felt forced together or that the sex scenes were gratuitous.

The above definition can be taken several ways. For me, it ties back to I (instinct). Feelings, when they’re real, are organic. They happen naturally and come from an organ inside. The heart, the gut, the center of our beings. It comes from us.  The story I’m editing had such a moment happen. I just knew this scene about 1/3 of the way through would be the scene where the main characters made love for the first time. I wrote the set up, the tension is growing, and everything is going great. My female goes into the restroom to freshen up and never comes out.  Instead of making love the male main character ends up making his lady love comfortable as she tries to get over her bout of food poisoning. I tried to rewrite it but realized it ended up showing more about him than a sweet love scene would have and plays better in the overall story.

I let the story happen organically. What happens is truer to the characters than me forcing them into bed would have been. It’s something that makes a great story, a great love, a great person. To let things happen organically, sometimes by praying (for those who do) and sometimes by following our instincts.

A good romance happens organically. It comes from the organs; it comes from the heart.


Today is the last day of the Authors in Bloom Blog Hop! You can read that post here. Leave a comment for a chance to win one of my books!

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