Getting ready for Coyote Con

Okay, I had every intention of doing this post in advance, making it look cool…well, that didn’t happen. Saturday was our yearly trek to the Texas Renaissance Festival. Both the hubby and I got hit hard by allergies and most of Sunday was spent recouping and doing laundry. Fun, fun. I know.

Now I’m laying here in bed, on my phone tapping out the post at 10:30. What’s my excuse this time? Hoarders. For my readers outside the US, Hoarders is about people who have too many possessions and have let their homes get to the point that local authorities have to step in for the person’s safety. My home could be called cluttered, but the only real obstacles are the two racing felines constantly underfoot. I’ve been meaning to straighten and organize a little but have been editing and put it off. No longer. After watching 2 hours of Hoarders (I’m a glutton for punishment) I cleaned two rooms and actually was a little nauseous after seeing these people’s homes. In other words, I never turned on the computer.

Here’s the real news. This weekend is CoyoteCon and I’m starting to get excited. For anyone interested, it is free but you do have to create a login for the chat rooms. ALL of the information can be found at CoyoteCon. Hope to see you there!

Check back on Friday for a guest post from newly minted author Nicole Flockton, a Aussie transplanted here to the US.

Gotta go, kittehs demanding attention. Go check out CoyoteCon!


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