My first blogging award!

Work has been crazy hectic lately and I have avoided my laptop like the plague when I get home.  Thank goodness for email apps on smart phones! I found out that fellow Campaigner Raelyn Barclay nominated me for the Versatile Blogger award.  I’ve seen these on other people’s sites and wondered how the heck they got these things.  Now, sniff, I am included in “they”. To borrow a fellow writers gleeful musings on screen “Squeeeee!”

So, here are the rules:


  1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Pass this Award along to 15 recently discovered blogs and let them know about it!

Okey Dokey. I will try to get my brain to function enough to get this going.

First, thank you, thank you Raelyn. I was so excited to see that you’d picked me for this award.  I promise to get pictures of LOTS of men in kilts for you when we go to Renaissance in November.

Second – Share 7 things about yourself.

  1. I tend to say Home when I talk about Texas and California – I grew up in both states.
    California state flag

    Texas state flag
  2. I love to dip chips in salsa and cream cheese (my hubby thinks this is disgusting).
  3. Three generations of my mother’s family were born in Chicago.

    Chicago Skyline
  4. Before I found writing (or should I say before writing hit me in the back of the head), I was a jack of all trades when it came to arts and crafts. They now gather dust in the corner of my bedroom.
  5. I played clarinet in junior high.
  6. My nicknames are Mel and Millie
  7. I attended my first Renaissance Festival in when I was seventeen.  I’ve been hooked ever since.  Have to agree with Raelyn, there’s nothing sexier then a man in full Highland regalia.

Third, pass along to 15 other bloggers.  Eek! I don’t know if I’ve looked at that many new sights recently.  I’ll do my best though.

1. Kerry Freeman – I’ve only read a few stories with LGBT plots, but Kerry’s blogs make me wonder what I’m missing.  To me, a love story is a love story.

2. Melanie Stanford – First of all, we share first names! Secondly, how could I not love a blog that plays music from “Phantom of the Opera”?

3. Myne Whitman– I grudgingly admit, this is my first visit to Myne’s blog. And I was impressed.  A beautiful lady with lots to say.  I subscribed immediately.

4. D.J. Kirby – Simply, her Wednesday *snerk photos.  Love them.

5. Meika– A fellow campaigner and fellow NaNo participant.

Okay, so I didn’t exactly follow the rules.  15 is a bit much for me at the moment, plus I noticed a few were already nominated. This award has given me the opportunity to sit and look through the blogs of some of the talented writers in our little romance section of the Campaign. Hopefully the work situation will calm down by the end of the month. *fingers crossed.

Up for October

  1. Start sewing my dress for Renaissance (Needs to be finished by Nov. 10th)
  2. Finish the edits on Renaissance Wench
  3. Knock ’em dead at the Lone Star Conference (hopefully have 2 agent appointments if enough slots were available).
  4. Get Ready for NaNo. Have a novel brewing  I really want to get written during NaNo.

Wish me luck. Don’t forget, Rach will have the new challenge up tomorrow.  Depending on what she asks of us Campaigners, I will try to get my response up over the weekend.

Until then, I think I’ll head over to Wally Mart and see if they have any of these fantastic fellas.

White Chocolate Candy Corn M&Ms

*I had to laugh, as a looked for a pic of these sweets, I see I am not the only one eagerly anticipating their release.

Have a great day and happy writing!


7 thoughts on “My first blogging award!

  1. Hi there! Just wanted to stop by and offer congrats on the blog award! Your facts were fun…and I love salsa and cream cheese. Oh, heck…I love cream cheese any way I can eat it. Ha! ~ Nadja

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